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My name is Daniel Tadman. Im an 18 year old fom Essex. I have just finished 2 years studying Graphic Design and Media at Seevic college.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Recreation of Vincent van Gogh's Starry Night

For my latest college project I have been asked to research and gain an understanding of all the most significant artists, movements and designers of the last 150 years. The movements I started with were Impressionism, Post-Impressionism and Expressionism. One of the most significant artists of this time was Vincent Van Gogh.
Starry Night is one of Van Gogh's most famous and well known works, it is a perfect example of what I believe Impressionism to be. The original painting is currently in the Museum of Modern Art, in New York city.
Below this post you can see my recreation of Starry Night that I recently produced using watercolour paints.