About Me

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My name is Daniel Tadman. Im an 18 year old fom Essex. I have just finished 2 years studying Graphic Design and Media at Seevic college.

Sunday 31 July 2011

Daily Deviation

When I visited deviantART art earlier today I was not prepared for what I would find; so many new messages and so many favourites, most on one piece of work too. At first I was very confused like how could this happen, but I soon realized my hands alphabet photo had been added to the websites Daily Deviations page.

This is the first day I have actually felt like uploading work to the internet was actually worth doing. Previously I was getting one or two people looking at my work. So when I visited this morning you can imagine how surprised I was and the feedback messages haven't stopped rising since.

This has made me so proud, I feel like I must upload more work now to compete with it.
Anyway thank you so much ChewedKandi for featuring Hand Alphabet in Daily Deviations today, and thank you everyone for all the favourites, comments and new watchers I have received.
If you haven't already seen the picture in question here are some links: deviantART and Here in my Blog.