About Me

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My name is Daniel Tadman. Im an 18 year old fom Essex. I have just finished 2 years studying Graphic Design and Media at Seevic college.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Now On YouTube

Today I have decided to create a new YouTube account where I can upload real videos and clips that I produce. My old account was full of rubbish, some that I "borrowed" from other people, this new account will have nothing of that kind.
Currently I have not yet uploaded anything, but in the coming weeks I will make it my goal to do so.

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Sunday 15 May 2011

Artists Movements Timeline

Here is the timeline I produced for my most recent college project about the artists and movements of the past 150 years, which relate to graphic design.
I designed it to be a very graphic piece of work, and that is why it is almost entirely produced in Photoshop. This  was for my final piece and has been printed out on A1 paper; of course it looks better large in its full glory.